Resources for Humans: How Human Resources (HR) Benefits Our Wellbeing in the Workplace

Sunday, September 26 is HR Professionals Day. Here at NC State CVM, our HR team is made up of 7 wonderful HR Professionals: Denise Healy, Patti Sajecki, Karen Mitchell, Bona Bame, Katy Wilson, Maranna Cole and Sheri Renno.

photo of the NC State CVM Human Resources team
The CVM Human Resources Team. Counter-clockwise from top left: Maranna Cole, Denise Healy, Patti Sajecki, Katy Wilson, Bona Bame, Karen Mitchell, and Sheri Renno

As workplaces around the globe are working toward a focus on wellbeing as a result of the events of the last year, HR teams are playing a key role in informing how we move forward in this new era of work.

I recently connected with our HR Team and asked for them to share their thoughts in response to the question, “How does HR support community wellbeing here at the CVM?” A couple of our colleagues responded in their own words:

Katy Wilson
We inform employees about resources that support them through life events like personal illness, illness and care of a loved one, leave options and more. We also coach, strategize and support career development and career trajectory. We help employees understand their paychecks and can provide some clarity about benefits and explain costs. We also provide proactive and strategic coaching and techniques on communicating effectively, collaboratively and around conflict resolution. Finally, we help find training and development solutions that support learning and performance.
Bona Bame 
In order to fully answer this question, I think it’s important to define what community wellbeing means to me. When I think of community wellbeing, I think of the combination of conditions that influence our ability to meet (or fall short of) both personal and professional goals. To help support this at the CVM, I try to engage in respectful dialogue, communicate frequently, and be as transparent as possible about any issues at hand.